Sunday, 25 October 2015


My work Siblings will develop the areas of documentary outlined earlier but through the creation of a video installation. It will explore the theories of Austrian psychotherapist Alfred Adler, that birth order is an important factor in shaping one’s personality, psychological makeup and lifestyle. Using my three sons I will use their own thoughts and the thoughts of others (parents & psychoanalysts) to investigate the stereotypes and labeling leveled at siblings due to their positioning in the family and reality of this. I intend the installation to be a triptych either screens or sculptural with my sons responding to these areas from their own and different points of view screen interacting with each other. I will subvert the very notion of “talking head” documentaries and break down the “fourth wall” with my sons lip-synching the words of all parties contributing and themselves. I will also experiment with other styles of computer generated and animated footage to represent my sons.

Ideas Aims and Objectives

  • Play with the pigeon holing of siblings, identity, nature and nurture.
  • Boys central to the piece but will lip-synch words of others. Literally have words put in their mouths by parents and psychologists.
  • 3 large multi screen installation or screens/sculptural installations.
  • Interaction and dependency between screens and sons.
  • Subvert documentary codes, conventions and style especially "talking head".
  • Stylistically inventive both visually and aurally.
  • Accessible for an audience and fun. Inform educate and ENTERTAIN!
  • Immersive and interactive for an audience.

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