Thursday, 22 October 2015


I researched plenty of sources to see what psychologists, academics and medical professional thoughts are on the importance of birth lines for determining characteristics and personalities. What are the general characteristics and personality traits of the frist, second and third born child? The consesus generally seems to be the following.

First Child : perfectionist, reliable, conscientious, a list maker, well organised, hard driving, a natural leader, critical, serious, scholarly, logical, doesn’t like surprises, a techie.

Middle Child : mediator, compromising, diplomatic, avoids conflict, independent, loyal to peers, has many friends, a maverick, secretive, used to not having attention.

Youngest Child : manipulative, charming, blames others, attention seeker, tenacious, people person, natural salesperson, precocious, engaging, affectionate, loves surprises.

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