Friday, 2 October 2015


This blog will act as a for all of my reflections, explorations, research, musings, experiments and ramblings concerning my MA in Arts Practice I am undertaking at University Campus Suffolk.

I have worked in the mainstream side of TV but found the industry limitations and often formulaic nature of this somewhat confining. Due to my training and conditioning from my populist broadcast TV output I can also play it too safe and I want to stretch my practice, influences and approaches to factual filmmaking. Using this prior practice as a starting point I want to move away from my fallback position of a formulaic methodology and to study and move towards the creative end of documentary and factual filmmaking. My aim is to see how far I can push the boundaries of factual, character-based narrative films whilst retaining the narrative and character based subject matter I love. Stylistically I am looking to subvert the notion of “documentary film” and create a blurring between it and fiction and avant garde approaches to filmmaking. However my work will always be within the service of the “factual” subject matter and the fascination boundaries and confines that this puts upon the factual filmmaker.

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