Saturday, 10 October 2015


Trying to narrow down and add some focus to the areas I wish to explore and why I have decided to base my MA Arts Practice in developing and investigating the following areas.

1: Explore Factual Film-making and Hybrids with Fictional and Avant Garde Film
When does a factual film become a work of fiction? When does it become avant garde? What happens to fact when it is mixed with fiction and an approach with an art aesthetic. Can documentary dil exist comfortably in a gallery environment.

2: Create a More Visually and Aurally Creative Documentary Films. 
I wish to explore the possibilities of the reflexive documentary style borrowing from other areas of the arts and moving image with more emphasis on the aesthetic to tell the story in a more emotive way. I want to investigate ways image can be used to tell a factual story and move away from simple expository documentary formula of talking heads and GV’s to a more and imaginative, inventive visual and aural style. This may include the fusion of animation, abstract images, use of music, motion graphics, sound design and sophisticated camerawork styles.

3: Examine the Possibilities of Character Based Factual Storytelling and Representation
“There are three sides to every story: your side, my side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each differently”. Taking the quote from Robert Evans, Ex-Paramount Studios head as a starting point I want to see how subjectivity and objectivity can be treated individually or as interesting bedfellows. Is bias necessarily a bad thing? How far can the factual film-maker go when creating representations of characters, places and events before the piece is no longer based on truth?

4: Utilize New Documentary Formats, Exhibition and Distribution
 I am also keen to challenge the documentary form and distribution to try and find new audiences and audience consumption. How much does the venue or exhibition method change the content? The starting point for this will be the exploration of micro-docs, mini serial documentaries, installations, interactive documentaries and online formats that challenge and develop the conventional documentary.

5: Develop a Body Of Work Exploring the Aims Outlined Above
Following the areas I wish to investigate all mentioned above create a body of work 3-4 pieces exploring the possibilities with documentary form.

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