Thursday, 17 August 2017


The manifestos are basically clips that would be seen online of Ben Wright promoting his cause. The content for these was originally written as dialogue for the documentary piece in the installation. However it was simply too wordy and a huge amount was tripped out during the final draft. My idea was to repurpose this though into the manifestos so Ben could still make these points. In order to make this easier I decided to film them in the TV studio using an autocue for the actor to read. It would also give me huge control over the lighting and sound. The aim was to make Ben seem mysterious and still keep the audience guessing as to if it was him or not and carful lighting would do this. The manifestos currently fit into the running order of the video installation like this.

1: Local TV news piece. Set up the issue and backstory.
2: Online manifesto A. Introduction and back.
3: Online manifesto B: Selling key points as to how the public have been hoodwinked etc.
4: Documentary/Interview. Confrontation interview with Ben wanting to promote his cause whilst his interviewer is really after the dirt and scandal of the story.
5: Online manifesto C. Call for action.

The shoot went really well and the auto cue made remember the lines and technical information easier for the actor. I checked the sound regularly after the issues with the last shoot and shot one of the cameras myself using a student for the other one. The aim was to make the piece catty and punchy so I got a straight MS and MCU on my camera and the other camera got CU and BCU from interesting angles. This I feel will enable me to cut it together interestingly in the edit.

The mise-en-scene was kept pretty simple and a clean black background to draw all focus and attention to the character of Ben. The clothes were of a kind that I had discussed with and chosen from the actor (Brian's) own wardrobe and in keeping with his character. As far as lighting goes this was different for the shoots. The first and second manifesto I want to keep the audience guessing as to if it really is him or not. To achieve this I used very, very low key lighting on Ben and a harsh backlight to give him a halo effect and make it hard to make him out, to keep this mystery. For the final manifesto it comes after the doco interview and he is now putting himself front and centre of the movement and out in the open so I lit him to be visible to the audience. The sound was set up out of shot and recorded through a TASCAM Mixer AND into the camera and regularly checked.

What I have learnt and will take forward.

1: Make sure eyes of talent stay still when reading the autocue. If not they fair to address the viewer directly as eyes move left to fight. This looks unnerving but weirdly it works in my opinion as it makes Ben look a little shifty in the properly lit manifesto. At the same time is does distract from the direct address to the audience that I was after and that feeling of it coming from the heart and being unscripted. So I am a little conflicted over this area currently. Compromises were made to make the shot achievable for the actor to communicate all of the facts and figures so it was a necessity. Also I feel it is believable that he is starting to gain momentum and the TV show, studio and autocue are resources he may have access to from funding and supporters.

2: Make sure the script is nailed before going into the TV studio. More read throughs and checks as to how it will play when said out loud. Corrections were needed in the TV studio and whilst these are easy to do on the autocue it would be more professional to have carried out a read through and edited the script with the actor before the shoot.

3: I love the control that I have in the TV studio and is is where I am happiest and have been for most of my pieces from Siblings, through to Amen Break and also this element. My understanding of and control of the studio space and resources is a real asset and the USP of my practice. The control of space, kit, lighting and environment I really enjoy.

4: The shoot went well but I feel the script and direction could have been stronger. Looking back at the rushes as I write this Brian played the character according to direction and script but I should have made him more likeable. There needs to be more light and shade and for him to charm us more and endear himself to us. It is a little preachy in places whereas charm and a little sugar would lighten the tone and make us empathise with Ben more too.

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