Tuesday, 1 November 2016


I am looking at the time to turn around a completed piece of work for the mid January deadline of the Independent Practice module and as usual I am finding myself being dragged in too many directions. I need to focus on one or two projects.

This will be my main area of focus as it is the piece I am most interested in currently and like the many directions I could take it. The subject matter is close to my heart and I feel it has real legs and will be of a manageable size to complete in the time-frame. Also i feel it will need minimal setting up and research into interviewees as i see it as an experimental piece not a more conventional documentary. However it does scare me a little and it is a bit of t journey into the unknown. On my Siblings piece that I worked on last year it had a real clarity of direction from the start and a real purpose. The Amen Brother idea has nome of that and that is both scary and exciting, but I do not want to play it safe. I am not sure if it is a doco, avant-garde, installation, or on-line piece or who exactly the audience might be but the journey to find out will certainly be an interesting one and outside of my comfort zone.

This piece using people who do not want to appear in front of camera for a documentary I also find very interesting. However I do not see it being something that I am likely to complete for the january submission so will be concentrating on Amen Brother. However I feel it is one that I will keep developing and to try and find really interesting subjects. I will also use it to explore different styles and do some test. Roto-scoping, animation, kinetic typography and to build a portfolio of techniques for when I find the right character, story and subject for it. I aim to do this piece back to front develop a style and then to find a subject that fits that style rather than letting subject and character decide the style which is my usual way of working.

The other pieces I have been toying with THE NATURE OF LOVE, CINEMATIQUE and PLANET SPLENDID I will continue to mull over though and develop. My focus needs to be narrowed though and the two above are what excites me the most and i feel will bets fulfil my Learning Agreement and take my practice in the direction I want.

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