Friday, 21 July 2017


I have carried out a huge amount of research into global warming and now it needs streamlining. Initially I did more of an overview for my earlier Global Warmning viral pieces but as the story and characters developed I needed to add the depth to this. I did my own research but also relied heavily on pointers from a close friend who works for Greenpeace and one of his main projects is dealing with the climate control aspects of this in the UK. However I looked around to make sure there was not too much bias and arguments I would not be aware of. Although the piece is

I wanted to give the character of Ben Wright in the piece to be an amalgamation of all best ideas and thoughts of the excellent people whose reports, articles, journals and books I had read to glean their information from. The idea of Ben Wrights character in the doco piece is to be the conduit for all of their excellent work and to communicate it to the audience in a clear, plain english way that will be understandable to the audience. These facts will then be woven into the fabric of the doco script seamlessly as the thoughts of our protagonist.

This will as I have mentioned be set in and punctuated by the Trojan horse that will be the fictional set up of the doco shoot. This will be it being staged as a documentary where a crew are taken to a secret location to interview Wright who is lying low and out of public view.

The notes are all written up from far too much reading around the topic but I have classified the voices I want to be heard through Ben into three main catagories and then my interpretations of their findings.

This will deal with the break-throughs and those behind the scientific developments of the Global warming issue. I will not be attributing the science to Wright and Griffiths but use these to contextualise their own fictional work and to back theirs up. These are from before their time and can be used to fill in the gaps from more recent scientists and reports etc to fill in the 40 years of Wrights absence and recent developments. These scientists, researchers and academics will be cited by Wright in the documentary interview itself.

Svante Arrhenius, GS Callendar, Roger Revelle & Hans E Suess, David Keeling, James Hansen, IPCC Working Group 1, Paul J Krutzen, Naomi Oreskes, and Jeff Masters.

This dealt more with the governments attitudes, selling of the idea and the skeptics who muddied the water. As with any issue there are different points of view, personalities and vested interests. The list here includes prime ministers, bestselling fictional and factual authors, senators, activists and preachers. From an amalgamation of these I found it was easier to try and find Wrights own voice. His angles and who he would have sided with. My piece and the interview with Wright is obviously going tho be pretty subjective and most of those on the list are arguing as to how to address global warmning.

Al Gore, Ross Geldsan, Mark Hertsgaard, James M Inhofe, James Hansen, Michael Crichton, Van Jones, Billy parish, Mike Tidwell, Naomi Klien, Rachel Carson,  Bill McKibben, Adrienne Maree Brown, George Monboit and Mohamed Nasheed.

This group were all to do with where we are heading and what the impact would be on us as a human race. they are if you like to predictors of what next! There is again a range of voices in here but all of them are looking into what is a bleak future and longing for what we will have lost. This is good as the piece is meant to be a call to action and not to preach but engage, entertain and inform. However there must be a positivity and not too much negative as I want to try and inspire action not apathy from the work.

Bill McKibben, Sally Bingham, The Evangelical Climate Change Initiative, Peter Schwartz and Doug Rendall, Arundhati Roy, David Breashers and EO Wheeler, Dr Vandana Shiva, Gary Braasch, Elizabeth Kolbert and John Vidal.

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