Sunday, 23 July 2017


I have begun to consider the installation space and the following ideas all need to be considered in the space. I do not know exactly what the space will be but from initial drawings from Sara the curator of the show it is likely to be a rectangular space, be able to be made pretty light tight so projections will work and approximately 3 meters by 4-5 meters rectangle. Obviously this may change but it is something to work to for now.

  • What I want the public experience to be. I want the audience to question the nature of installations, the media of film and TV, as well as the museum/gallery feel of the artefacts. It is really a film with added extras but I want all of these elements to complement and be intrinsic to one another to build a whole. I also want them to get involved the idea is that by offering a range of elements there will be something for everyone but also a puzzle. and for them to question what are the elements? How do they fit together? What is the story they tell? What is the ideology? The aim is to make them consider the topic of global warming in a different way and perhaps to be left with some of the ideas or for it to generate discussion and hopefully response long after they leave.
  • How the public will move around the space. How will they interact with the elements in the installation. If so to what degree. As some of the artefacts being created may not stand up to ultra close scrutiny a way for the audience to look at and read them if necessary BUT to keep them a little at arms length too. I do want movement to be free BUT feel some type of seating for the video work would work. It provides a sit down from the rest of the exhibition and will allow slightly longer video work to be delivered in comfort.
  • Exactly which elements will be included. TV screen, projection(s), wall mounted artefacts, artefacts in cases or towers. Currently not 100% sure on this but my current thinking is that they MUST all be in the same space as this will instantly link them and promote the fact that they are a whole not separate elements.

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