Friday, 9 December 2016


A very interesting critique today and to put it honestly a little tough for lots of different reasons. Part of this project put me in a no-mans land of un-comfortability and lack of clarity seeking a path to the end of this project. I have been very outside of my comfort zone and tried to experiment as I have gone along and whilst the feedback was very constructive, has certainly proved to be food for thought and possibly suggest the way forward has made me seriously question my whole practice.

This is not a knee jerk reaction to some honest and to the point feedback but for a while I have been questioning my voyage of discovery into video installations and the world of fine art. I have been playing at it and it was interesting to work in this area last year so did not really stop to question if it was an area I wanted to work in this year and picked up where I left off. I dabbled last year and being curious found it interesting but it is not an area that I feel comfortable in or greatly enjoy. It is a mixture of doing with I think the MA Arts Practice wants to see, in a medium I know they are happy with and possibly meeting criteria rather than creating work in mediums and practice that really interest, stimulate and I have a real empathy with.

Three things really stand out from the critique. Firstly my current installation practice work does not really 100% excite me and therefore how can I expect it to excite and interest an audience. Secondly Val during her critique mentioned that is she 65 and she has about 10 years of hopefully good health and creating artworks in her. She had dabbled in lots of areas of practice and art disciplines and artforms but was going to focus in the time she had left on the area that interested her painting. the other areas were fun and distractions but she wanted to spend her time creating art that she enjoyed and wanted to create. lastly the most alive I have felt on the course this year was giving suggestions to Tara about her film noir comic book idea. I realised that this was where I became most enthused as it is the area of arts practice that excites me and one that I love with a passion. This being film and film-making.

I feel I have tried to shoehorn this a little into creating video installations and although found it interesting and something I may to return to but I feel the aim last year was to create one to get it out of my system and deal with my prejudice towards it and do something far removed from my practice to that point. I feel that now I have done an installation and exorcised that ghost it is almost a box ticked and now is time to move on. Lack of time, stress at work, laziness, comfortability and safety in continuing along this road and creating something that worked last time alongside other factors meant that I just fell into creating another video installation rather than choosing to do one.

I plan to get back to the core elements of my work and looking back at my  I found I have strayed a little from the two core ones that are  central to my work, character driven pieces with a strong narrative thread. This may take the form of and installation but I am going to work on a hybrid of sorts something that is a one screen piece that would work equally well on broadcast as an avant garde documentary or as possibly an installation.

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