Monday, 29 February 2016


Following on from the by and large successful second screening and critique I had a tutorial with Jane Watt about the progress of my work. This provided a few more areas for exploration and experimentation as listed below.

  • Keep experimenting with the post production. All 3 boys speaking at once. Different pacing of the sections/comments to make them more irregular. More time with the boys on screen just "being" as characters are shown through this too.
  • Consider annotating frames and storyboards as this will help evaluation and comparing of versions.
  • Be more specific as to child psychology books I have looked at.
  • Consider "false anthropogical works" such as Luther Baumgartens Amazon tribes research.
  • Consider the viewpoints of the children, parents and viewers and their thoughts and readings of the installation.
  • Reflect on the impact and delivery of the voices and the images especially the lip-synched elements.
  • It works well on three screens but allow time to develop the three screen installation. really consider how it could work best as this will inform the editing and possibly production.
  • Make sure the film does not become too slick or gimmicky. Allow the camera to just run and contrast between the scripted and non-scripted elements.
I will keep these in mind as I move forward and agree that all of these whilst well on their way to working all need development and further exploration.

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