Sunday, 21 February 2016


The edit for the second siblings shoot was spaced across several days and involved lots of tests. The key areas that were experimented with were.

  • Timing and on-screen time of the boys. Tried to leave on-screen for as long as possible as I felt that this worked the best. It was interesting watching them just being themselves in-between statements/talking head.
  • I experimented with music but it simply detracted from the boys talking heads.
  • Playing with transitions was interesting and dissolves and hard cuts worked OK but fades to black were best as they allowed for re-positioning of the boys and as a signal for the audience to re-orientate.
  • Greater interplay between the screens would work better and the boys moving around the screens too.
  • Testing the clips on there screens to a few test audience members worked really well and the interaction between the screens.
  • A title to introduce it may be good especially if it is looped.
  • The sequence will need to be longer than the current 2 minutes but certainly no longer than 15-20 minutes.
  • Technically it worked well on three screens to a test version level but solutions will need to be found to synch the three screens moving forward.

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