Friday, 2 June 2017


A productive tutorial and I can now see the wood a little bit clearer for the trees. I have lots of elements of other projects on the go and they can continue but I have lacked a focus and a topic and piece of work to get me enthused and excited and I have been struggling with pulling all of the loose threads together on a few of these especially the Global Warmning one which has been the one I have devoted the most time to.

With the Global Warmning project so far I have not been heading in the direction I want to go in. The issue revolves around whilst the issue is a serious one, muddied waters, spin, apathy for the issue and obviously no hard facts as no-one can predict what may possibly happen in the future. Also my work has been lacking a narrative story and characters that I enjoy working with. So I have decided to list (below) all of the areas I am interested in exploring and then will outline how moving forward I can try and encompass them in my work.
  • Character and narrative to tell story.
  • A multimedia approach to telling story and communicating ideas.
  • Climate change and pieces of work that are a warning and a call to arms.
  • Highlight the media, spin, "fake news" and manipulation of facts and data on global warming debate. Both mainstream media and online.
  • Playing with the notion of "the truth" and the Werner Hertzogs "ecstatic truth".
  • Inform educate AND entertain.
  • Experimenting with different media, materials and technologies to create pieces and extend my skill base.
  • Investigate different methods of delivery, dissemination, exhibition and platforms for my work.
  • Consider the notion of audience for the work. Targeting individual content at specific audiences whilst also working as a whole campaign
I feel that by pulling all of these threads together to form a "stealth" advertising campaign I can tick most of the boxes. What I aim to do is to create a fictional "movement" who existed in the late 60's early 70's who "predicted" that global warming would happen. Then by mirroring today when for 20-30 years there have been naysayers and sceptics of the organisation. However by jumping in a time machine and going back to "create" this fictional version of them predicting what would happen to the planet real irrefutable facts can be used to show that they did get it right. So using and fiction to sell a real fact. This could then be used as a lesson to show how it may possible go into the future and people may sit up and notice. It could be someone who "discovered" some found footage online and resurrected the teaching of the movement online or just excerpts put out into cyberspace from fans etc. The idea needs a lot of fleshing out BUT it has the potential to address all of my concerns

Action Plan
  • Come up with a list of areas and keywords that are the foundations and building blocks for my Global Warmning campaign raft of work.
  • Research into myth and truth. Traditional mythology.
  • Find examples of artists, advertisers, writers who have created and spun myths. Blair Witch, Donnie Darko, urban myths, sleeper films.
  • Research into Stealth  advertising, sleeper films and advertising campaigns to get messages out.
  • Look at artists who have dealt with these themes and consider their preoccupations, inspirations and ideologies. Then look for papers on them (Tate papers good starting point) and see what references they have and who influenced them.
  • Consider and investigate the mood and tone of the project.
  • Consider individual pieces that could be created and look at style and tone of these if going to be re-created archival pieces.
  • Make sure outline WHO the piece is for. Narrow targeted audience. Multiple pieces for a vast audience art installation, viral, doco, short film, advert, each one of them targeting a specific audience. Scattergun approach?
  • Consider ethics if looking to hoodwink the audience.
  • Consider WHY anyone should CARE about MY work! What are my influences, ideologies, messages, values and stylistics etc. Narrative, character, storytelling, representation, notions of "the truth", media spin and fake news and communicating a message.

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