Sunday, 19 February 2017


The following are all ideas and avenues to investigate more and to research around the idea for the Global Warmning piece. Presently it is little more than a piece to comment on global warming and climate change. I aim to explore this area and to organically develop a piece from this broad subject matter. I have a close friend who is very high up within Greenpeace and i am aiming for the piece to be content that would highlight their concerns and causes on the issue. Other than that it is going to be a fluid voyage of discovery.

What follows is a "brain dump" of some of the stylistic, thematic, aesthetic, structural and ideological ideas that I am toying with at this early stage. I aim to research all of these further to help shape and influence these as I move the piece forward.

  • The history of climate change and the man made aspects of it.
  • The causes of climate change and how it occurred.
  • The effects of climate change.
  • The international political debate and "spin" surrounding climate change. Famous U-turns, quotes, naysayers, arguments, academics, specialists and the scientific world.
  • A call to arms. What can we do to stop/prevent? Globally, nationally, locally or as individuals.
  • Climate change

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