Friday, 15 January 2016


Following on from feedback, further research and mini tests since my first developmental version of the Sibling piece these are the areas I am going to develop prior to the second shoot. These have been experimented with and mulled over incessantly and this is what I currently feel will be the way forward and the key changes.

  • Lose animation and pixelated b/w elements? A bit clunky and could be dealt with in a ore subtle way.
  • The viewers are different to the artist especially in relationships to the boys and being able to tell them apart. I like the fact that they look similar and a degree of confusion. It will make the audience have to get to try and know and learn about the boys and work a little harder.
  • Plan to create it to be exhibited on 3 screens as an immersive experience rather than the one screen. Sound coming from screen son talking on and making audience turn around to interact with the piece. Possibly not projectors at this stage. iPads, laptops will suffice.
  • Look into technical factors and issues of synching the above method of screening.
  • The boys have a charm and their personalities do shine through and even though the interactions were staged as it was shot one camera the interplay and humour reinforced their relationships. May try and do some more of this but adds up to a really complicated shoot. Could look to exploit 3 camera Tv studio set up if time and resources allow.
  • How much will I guide the boys comments? Try some less scripted responses and pecking orders established before filming. Make sure this naturalness of the boys does not get lost!
  • Keep simplistic as would be more powerful. Less is more! 
  • Talk to others who have relationships or opinions of the boys. Teachers etc.
  • A couple of people had issues with boys appearing to be naked and was it necessary and started raising whole different debates and readings. Most really liked it and seeing the fact that they were physically young and their different physiques. We discussed the fragility of being nude and laid bare too and most liked this idea. Will experiment with photo-shoots to look at options.
  • Possibly play around with the order so not always fist, second and third born left to right. Keep the audience guessing and make them work harder. Liked that two boys look the same. Would make the audience have to get to know them their selves and pay attention.
  • Explore using additional archive or GV footage BUT most liked the simplicity that the idea could have and thought this was possibly unnecessary.
  • Could the boys ask each other questions? This could possibly be about themselves. For instance " what do you like about me"?
  • Try more bits with the bits where the boys were not talking and simply existing naturally (well as naturally as you can in front of a camera) were as interesting as the talking bits. posture, body language, relationship with the camera and interviewer etc.

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