I am aiming to be playful with the notion of identity and pigeon holing. Taking Adlers psychological research and findings into Siblings and his identification of personalities and traits for the eldest, middle and youngest siblings I am going to use my 3 sons to explore the truth and fiction in this. The aim is to get across the point of nature AND nurture and that simple classifications do not suit the individual and are a very blunt tool. I will aim to do this by interviewing my sons, myself and my wife, and possibly other people who know them well and juxtaposing them alongside the opinions of them by the field of Psychology. It will obvious prove some of this but also disprove a lot I expect also.
- Be playful and subversive with documentary forms and conventions.
- Hybrid between documentary and installation. Factual in gallery?
- Inform, Educate & ENTERTAIN.
- 5 minute piece aimed at galleries as an installation. No longer to keep attention.
- Consider transitions between contributors. Cuts, fades, dissolves etc.
- Use of archive footage alongside staged IV's?
- Use of GV footage to show insight into tpics boys are discussing?
- uUse of titles to clarify topics & differentiate sections?
- Use of on-screen graphics to emphasise points.
- Use of SFX to distort and manipulate representations of boys. Pixelate, computerise, B/W etc.
- Mix of shots of the boys giving their comments
- Very atypical MCU shot sizes used in doco but subveted. Break 4th wall.
- Use of animation to re-craete boys images to add interest and create different representations.
- Music for mood to set the tone of contributors or not?
- Boys recorded sound on location.
- ADR lip synch to boys from other contributors
- Effects on the voice to change the mood and tone. make psychologists statements cold?
- Real contributors (teachers) or actors?
- Blank studio environment? easy to control & light but lacks atmosphere.
- Shoot in situation. Psychologits office, classroom for teachers etc?
- Green screen the above to create a an artificial representation.
- Boys naked torsos. Will show physicality and nakedness in front of camera, bearing souls.
- Boys dressed using in colour coding and personality. Help identification for audience too.
- Costumes for the boys when voiced by others. Shirt & tie for psychologists etc?
- Lighting. 3 point high key standard of harsher more atmospheric?
- Props used to show boys interests or just them?
- My boys.
- Psychologists (actor?)
- Parents.
- Teachers.
- Real contributors (teachers) or actors?
- Extended family. Aunts, uncles, grandparents etc.
- Friends?
- 3 TV screens.
- 3 Large projectons.
- Nam June Paik style sculptural presentation.
- One large screen.
- Online?
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